
    TECHKON, s.r.o., Mixova 165, 261 01 Příbram III, Czechia


  • a building set of all-purpose vibratory screens for the production and control screening on wire screens
  • applications in almost all industrial branches
  • system of longitudinal tension of the screens is typical for this screen
  • fast replacement of the screens without dismantling hermetic seals
  • the possibility of shaking – out screen surfaces during screening of material which tends to choke
  • stainless steel screens versions are commonly available

A Tajfun [a Typhoon in English] is a deep tropical depression occuring in the western Pacific, Japan and eastern and south – eastern coasts of Asia. The results and effects of this event are very impressive.

Screens of the Tajfun line find their applicat in many uses throughout different industrial branches. You can meet the results of their operation without even realising it – when you buy a packet of soup, washing powder, spice, plastic product, a sack of concrete… in fact, too many to mention!


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